Aniya-Soul Journey to the New Earth
I imagine that we are holding hands and that we breath as One.
I connect with my New Earth self, Aniya, and in doing so take us to the New Earth.
Here there is love, joy, excitement, friendship, safety, purpose, intention, involvement, acceptance, curiosity, community, acknowledgement, understanding, appreciation - we breath this in together.
We turn around to look at ourselves on the Earth, Gaia. We look upon ourselves with love and compassion, appreciation of the journey we make here, our suffering and confusion, striving and yearning, disappointments and grief. We see ourselves only in love and with love, and understood that that is how God sees us.
As we take our next breath we came back into our Earth bodies and felt the love and compassion that had been sent from our New Earth, future selves. As we breath that in we are helped to feel love for ourselves.

The Pleiadians
We can imagine going down to the coast, looking out and see coming towards us as if carried by the waves, all the things that we would like to have or experience in our lives. We can imagine the waves breaking on the shoreline in front of us delivering everything we desire. We are helped to open to new possibilities such that we can allow ourselves happiness, satisfaction and gifts.
“Yes and it is with great joy that we join you today and we wish to assist you in finding peace and calm within yourself in this increasingly tumultuous time.
And we remind you that this is not your turmoil, it is the resolutions of a world that is playing out it’s final death throws, thrashing in it’s attempt to resuscitate all the bindings of it’s restrictions upon the Earth and her people.
And it is your presence that has dissolved these strictures, your magnificent light and love, your courage, resilience, compassion and ingenuity, let us remind you of them now, as you take a breath and welcome their return into your Being as the force of transformation that you are.
You will notice that calm ensues, no longer are you torn between yourself and others, no longer is your path obscured. For you came with great purpose and you have joined together as One and created miracles.
For that is indeed what is happening upon your planet, and we watch with wonder as it unfolds and come with great Love only to remind you of all that you have achieved, such that you can take comfort from this knowledge and allow it to sooth you and light your path as it radiates before you beyond the end of time.
Breath into the place of that timelessness and allow yourself to rest a while. This is your place of rejuvenation, allow us to refresh and invigorate and show you our dance with the stars. Then on your return you’ll find a star to be with you, reflecting to you your exquisite perfection and priceless radiance.”
January 2021