Fiona Bryan

"As I write this now, and it is always changing, my work, as it unfolds before me and from within me,

weaves between our physical and non-physical selves,

our own creation and our ability to create and our

burgeoning multi-dimensionality in this ascending paradigm,

all of which we navigate through our gifts and attributes as sentient beings.

It addresses the bigger picture of the evolution of our soul

as shown through the intricacies of our everyday lives

and most importantly attends to the paramount question of

"How do we feel?"

The impetus for my whole life has been how can I feel better?

These modalities and ideas are those that were both devised before my birth

and that have arisenin answer to my own question.

It is through this that everything else will unfold".

It was music that took me through the early part of my life and lead me to my first career as an orchestral musician. This I combined with teaching the Alexander Technique which I had discovered to be the most helpful of the many alternative therapies I had tried in response to a mounting number of physical and emotional difficulties.

My own experiences and those of the people I met, illuminated many questions as I observed some of us thrive, some of us struggle, and so began my search to find and understand the factors influencing those outcomes such that the road to optimal health and wellbeing could become clearer and available to all.

This journey describes the last 35yrs of my life, for I wanted answers to all my questions so that I could fit any eventually into a framework that explained not only it's presence and meaning, but also offered a solution as to its' transcendence.

I have been shown a different world based on love and truth, in which we are all invited to share, as we celebrate our own uniqueness and empowered togetherness as creators of the New Earth of our dreams.

The work I offer has come into being as a result of this journey and I wish to thank all of those who have stepped forward, and continue to step forward, to assist me.

I would also like to thank all those with whom I have had the great pleasure and honour of working with so far, you can read some of their thoughts here:

Comments and Observations

You can explore the following links if you would like to read more:

My Skills

Why I work with Energy

Professional Qualifications

What I have to Share

Context and Consequence


The assistance I offer through my energy work, information and thoughts is given to help you embody and expand into your True Self and Creator Essence.

Nothing I share is intended to be, nor should be construed as professional advice in the area of medicine, psychology or psychiatry.

Individuals with possible or diagnosed medical, psychological or psychiatric condition are advised to consult licensed professionals.