Circles of Light

Wonderful co-creative opportunities which combine the energetic potential of the presence and assistance of Beings of Light from the Higher Dimensions with the power of the Group Heart-Mind.

Be surrounded by Ascended Masters, Angels and Arch Angels and Star Beings including

Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Metatron, the Buddha, Krishna, St.Germaine, Arch Angel Gabriel, Arch Angel Michael,

Quan Yin, Mother Teresa,

The Pleiadians, The Orions, The Syrians

The power of prayer is well known and there is now contemporary research and evidence to prove that when a group of people gather together with the collective intention to create beneficial change for others, there are transformative possibilities for all members of the group.

The Circles of Light that I facilitate are online events of up to 12 people. 5-7 days before the event I begin working with the group, lifting up the energy and the consciousness. 2 days before I contact my guides and I learn which of them will be assisting us, this is specific to the person or people for whom the circle is being held.

The circle begins with a meditation during which I clear and unify the group energy, we welcome in the Beings of Light including our Higher Selves, Spirit Guide Teams and those who have stepped forward especially to facilitate.We join hands in our imagination and those for whom the circle is being held are seen in the middle. Wherever possible they are invited to write and then speak their own invocation in which they can ask for help in any and all areas of their lives.

This part of the session lasts for 15 minutes, we then have some time for personal reflection whilst still in the presence of the Beings of Light and their energies, and then there is time to talk and share experiences. In total the circle lasts about an hour.

Below are some comments from members of our group.

“Thank you Fiona so much for your crystal clear facilitation and your generous heart in channelling the Divine.”

“ I am in awe as well as in huge appreciation and gratitude of the Circles of Light that you facilitate.”

“My Circle of Light brought about an enormous shift for me which expressed over several weeks, physically and emotionally, resulting in finally being free of pain and immobility in my left arm and severe and debilitating intermittent pain in my lower back which I’ve had for over 30yrs. As the pain left, so did layer upon layer of wounding, the depth of which surprised me, but was in equal measure to the joy, relief and gratitude I felt when it eventually subsided.”

“…incredible grounding of energy coming 3-4 minutes after a  person has read out their invocation…”

“One of my requests in my invocation was being able to receive love and support. Following my Circle of Light, the pain I had down my left side (supposedly from an old bike injury) lessened greatly! and I got an offer at work to do a course for free and was offered some one to one sessions, also for free. I felt that I was offered and I received a HUGE amount of support for which I am grateful.”

“… I just love bathing in the loving energies being brought in by Ascended Beings and allowing myself love freely….”

“Fiona is very gifted and has the ability to communicate with beings of light such as the archangels, the Syrinans, Pleiadians, Jesus, Mary Magdalene and many more, and by channelling this healing energy the circle can bring healing to anyone that needs it.”

“I find the energy very powerful, there is a wonderful feeling of love…”

“Since joining this group I have found it has deepened my spiritual connection. It has also given me a better understanding of myself and my journey on the earth.”

“For anyone that is seeking spiritual growth I recommend you give this a try.”

“I am so grateful to be a part of this group and circle and would encourage anyone to join - quite literally, the more the merrier. I have learned what it means to be heart-centred and how machinations of the mind interfere so often with what the heart knows. For me, the term 'heart' describes the peaceful and quiet awareness that lies beneath the often tortured world of thought. That awareness is the real 'me' but is also part of something absolutely universal which unites all existence, everywhere. The more connected to this we are, the more we become a beacon of compassion and understanding in the conscious universe.”

William Linville offered me his insights on the Circles-

“….so we have the light coming in, swirling through the bodies and up through the middle, dissolving any and all conflicted states that’s going on with the person in the middle, it’s like a boost for their soul, their life, their work, their wealth, their mind, their body, their world, it’s an amplification on every level, mind, body, DNA, RNA, youth and vitality chromosomes

and telomere…”

My role is that I act as a conduit and amplifier of the energies,

William explains-

“Yes, the Beings of Light, they're literally right there, surrounding the group, embracing the group and they're tuning you up as you’re emanating those amplified energies and particles of light, particles of consciousness towards the Dear One in the middle, and what happens is the whole group gets infused….”

Circles of Light are 1 hr, held on Zoom and the fee is £60.00

If you would like to arrange a Circle you can do so

by clicking on this link:

Arranging Your Session