Arch Angel Gabriel
We are assisted in experiencing an entanglement from consensus reality, the mass collective. We are helped in the expansion of our energy bodies so that they spread out away from us in all directions, riding over the top of and pushing out of the way the darker, denser clouds of mass collective thought forms so they literally are not near us. As our vibrancy increases these thought forms are transmuted for the good of all.
We can be still for a moment and become more aware of our bodies. We are invited to tune in and ask our bodies what they need. We will be assisted in receiving that information and we will receiving healing energies, especially for our bodies.
January 2021
“Oh such a wonderful day, such a wonderful wonderful day!
Yes indeed we are celebrating as we watch the events occurring on your planet, such a long time in the making, so complex in their intricacies, attending to each detail as the magnitude of it’s unfoldment reveals itself.
And we invite you to celebrate too! Take a breath with us into this new possibility, the richness of it’s potential, the power of the energy within, uniting all worlds as the end of this yuga announces itself.
And feel the relief of this witnessing throughout the cosmos, each bowed in honour and respect for the suffering of mankind in the service of many.
A new dawn is arising and we lift our heads to face you and we offer you our service, with love, with joy, and in such excitement of the new world which stirs within every one of you.
So join with us in this celebration, for it is a celebration of you, throughout the heavens, each star a cascade of light heralding the cascade of your light, shining as it has never shone before throughout the Universe.”
January 2023
“Yes and welcome, for it is that you join us in our realm of perpetual ease, perpetual grace such that we are able to look upon all human endeavours with compassion and wonder, for we know not of the struggle of this earthly realm, other than through what we observe in our roles as companions and facilitators, and it is that we are humbly silenced by the amplitude of suffering that it is yours to endure through your decision to incarnate here so as to attend to your evolutionary cycles of mastery.
And whilst it is not our journey to interface with these trials for the opportunity of transcendence that they offer, it is for many of us part of our own journey of awakening to assist those of you who venture within these physical planes such that our perspective becomes available.
For it is that we embody not the burdens of our predecessors or even the toll of our other journeys within this expanding Universe, we are afresh and so we greet each moment as the unique expression that we find it to be, and we offer in response only that which in the moment of invocation presents and it does so in celebration of our truth and as a gift to all beings.
What a liberation to unhinge oneself from all that was, from all your thoughts, interpretations, reactions and conclusions, what an adventure not to second guess any circumstance but to allow the Universe to intervene on your behalf at all times, and how your body will rejoice as you impose not the replays of it’s woundings through your reference to it’s fate in the hands of those who tried but failed to reduce you to their own requirements.
Allow us to take on this burden of expectation such that you can be free in every moment to express all that you are in the many ways that your heart desires. Always it is “what would I like to experience that will give me the most joy?” and then truly does your own life open before you rather than that of another whose grief you borrow just in case your fates should collide.
Practise this as a skill, apply it to all circumstances, and if you forget simply apply in retro-spect for you are not limited by time and as such can manoeuvre all eventualities to your liking. And begin straight away and see how the sun shines even as it sets and your path is illumined before you.
And so we smile together as the simplicity of this message delights and entertains, and we wonder what has held us from this stance as centuries of our yearnings empty themselves before us and render themselves also to our burgeoning desire for freedom for ourselves and all others in the name of Gaias’ liberation and her own ascendence from the histories of her children.
We thank you for your perseverance as we witness your daily quest for peace and equanimity and we wish you to know that before long the memory of your struggle will seem far behind you and the joy of your transcendence will abound.
We say farewell in this realm only, for truly it is that we are never apart. Farewell.”