“We step forward in our capacity as Oversee-er of the Templates of Time, these great shifting panoramics of experience laid before you as the stepping stones of your lives.
But there are many paths that you may choose amongst these myriad stepping stones, each one a priceless opportunity for the joyful expansion of your soul on it’s journey of fulfilment and adventure.
But be careful that it is your path that you choose, and not another’s, for you cannot share their path, it is theirs alone.
This is the simultaneous freedom and challenge in your physical reality, but once you begin to follow your path, and find your joy, such is it’s immensity that it will overspill to all around, and your joy becomes their joy and there is no division, no decision to make.
So look upon these sparkling gateways with the enthusiasm of a child, knowing that you are safe and guided in each moment, see everything that you desire beyond the latch and open it, feeling the sun upon your face as it rises to greet you from behind the clouds. Stand in this moment and take a breath, embody this new possibility, feel it in each cell, take another breath and be nourished by your choice, the choice of this step, your step. Feel the joy, the celebration, you are on your way home.”
July 2022
“Yes and we are glad to connect with you today in this time of great change and great shiftings on your planet. For it is that although you have chosen your haven and there reside in peace and equanimity, all around you revels in it’s own tempestuous dramas all the while seeking only that which will allude them, the avoidance of who they are, for this whole ascension could be defined thus, as the insistence of the Universe for this planet to be no more be held in distortion and misperception such that it’s inhabitants willingly and eagerly choose their own demise.
So we say to you and those like you, who have found their way to the truth and the light, that your presence here is that of gods, for without you this race, beleaguered by that which makes it great, is being lead, and is following, towards the denigration of it’s form, the betrayal of it’s essence, and aligning itself with factions who the whole Universe must unite against. For this malevolence, this denial of the gift of life, this merciless squandering of all that is sacred, must not be allowed to continue.
So as you each day find, and shine, the light of who you are, you join with us in the restoration of peace and the healing of centuries of suffering, the impact of which is almost unimaginable. As you bring your truth, just for a moment, into a darkened hollow, just for that moment it becomes a vestibule of heaven, and lingers there even as you pass, and those that follow you will themselves find a softening of their woes and the presence of love.
No words may pass as you your gifts impart, for it is that all you wish to say is carried in the whisper of your smile and the glance of your presence, and this a gentle invitation makes for the other to step towards you and there remain, the more of you to see, their own light beckoned forth in the shelter of yours.
So diminish not your role within this transient miasma of destruction, each day know what you bring, and the courage it takes, and has taken, for you to be our emissaries amongst those who have gladly slain you and danced upon your grave in ignorant triumph and godless mirth.
And yet you have stepped forward again for this duty, for it is that you know now the stakes to be such that you were willing once again to make this journey from your forgetting to your knowing and show the way to those who have also thus chosen this adornment of heavenly vestiges to gift to mankind in the final moment of it’s salvation and deliverance.
So breathe with us our appreciation of your presence here, our witnessing of your struggles, and our wonder at your capacity to transcend them. For truly the New Earth you have brought and as it flourishes all around you its’ presence it weaves, in the fortunes of all who wander through its’ gentle murmurs of their dreams, awakening their soul and healing that which they carry as their burden.
Know that this is what you do, and have done, and question not your place in our halls and in our hearts.
It is with love that we say farewell until our next togetherness in this and all realms. Farewell.”
October 2022
“Yes and greetings and it is with pleasure that we join you as you make your way through this most recent upheaval of your ancient nemeses presenting together in a powerful resurgence of that which you came to transcend. And as this outrage found at last its’ escape from your harrowed form, it sang in servitude with all those who similarly have found themselves at the mercy of this aberration of the human psyche. The need to belittle and control, the desire to demean and negate, born of the desperation meeted upon this planet by a force beyond its’ realm.
As you joined all those who also feel the pain of this struggle, it was that your experience became their experience in an amplification of all the suffering endured through this hierarchical conformity to supersede and denigrate those who bring the light to free mankind from the shackles of its’ captors and bring peace and Oneness to this world.
Let us now together let go this burden and let it be lifted from all those ready to step into their soul sovereignty as their contribution to the liberation of mankind. And as we allow it to leave us, feeling not the need to identify with those still in its’ thrall, we return to our dominium of the New Earth, free of these juvenile antics and celebrating all that is possible when a being of light, made physical and carrying the Divine spark within, finds themselves living in love, in harmony upon an ascended world in the field of Oneness.
And it is from here that we contemplate our challenges, we join not the realm of those who wish to confront us but present always that which we carry in our hearts as the template for change and the salvation of mankind.
And so we guide you from your torment and hope that peace once again settles upon you. Linger not in this miasma, push it from your mind and trust that all will be well.
Be kind to yourself and let this healing take place, for it is centuries old and the depth of its’ wounding immense. We say farewell in love and look forward to our next togetherness in this and all realms. Farewell.”
March 2023
“And once again we meet as we have for so long as we your journey explore together for the optimum potential that it offers, not just for yourself, but all those you assist and all those who are assisted by them, for it is that your circumference of endeavour is ever widening as you continually open to all that is offered to you for the expansion of your perception and application.
And as you now, and increasingly, perceive there to be no limitation in any realm, it is that we really discover the aptitude of an awakened being willing to put to the test the enticements paraded in front of her by those she has learned to trust and honour. And with that now as the context for your life here, we can really avail ourselves of the more subtle and dynamic rules pertaining to the manifest levels of this realm.
For as you now know all that expresses physically does so as a result of the manipulation of non-physical matter, known as energy, and there is of course a fluidity easily perceivable in that medium. It is then possible to conjecture that at some level that fluidity remains a translatable feature, that if it were possible to examine so called solid matter, it would be seen to be in movement. And as humans you direct that movement through your desires and intentions.
If you could see this process at work in the way that we do, you would observe an unimaginable number of streams and flows of consciousness actualising and consolidating into material form, all the time. When it is that you have an idea or request something these energetic potentials are summoned, there is an immediate requisitioning of source energy and all available data as to your soul providence, evolutionary status, remaining covenants and agreements and intensions for this life, inform this energy as to the best use of its’ capacities.
And it continues to interact with you moulding itself in accordance with the best possible outcome available for you as you continue to explore a certain line of enquiry which you have deemed to be of most benefit to you at any one time.
It is therefore essential, as you realise that this energy changes form as readily as the clouds above your heads, responding in every moment to your instruction and will, that you are certain to direct it as you wish, that you are certain to avoid the inclusion of any limited perceptions, erroneous assumptions and conditionings which have their root in the fear based manipulation of your autonomy.
For the rules that govern this protocol, this art of creation upon your planet, exist between you and your God. Despite the many and lengthy attempts to disrupt this formula which has a Universe made, and more, it cannot be interfered with, so long as you, as the recipient and orchestrator of this forcefield of divinity, remain convinced that it is so.
For once you have been persuaded otherwise, once you have decided to hand over this mantle of your own creative governance, then it is that this sacred relationship which gives rise to the unveiling of your dreams before you, is lost, and instead you are greeted with the vision of anothers’ expectation which they in turn have materialised from anothers’, and so it continues.
It is time to stop this run away train of reflective subterfuge, it is time to pause and re-asses that which you believe gives rise to all that you see around you. For it is these beliefs which you hold about the fundamentals of existence which fashion that which you allow to be true.
All around you is that which many have been taught is the truth, and you see suffering, unimaginable pain, which you have been told is normal and acceptable, you see a constant thieving from those who have very little and who have been told that even that they must sacrifice, and you see a poverty of spirit that will kill this race should all other manufactured attempts be outwitted.
Do you want to adhere in anyway to the rationale that has created such devastation and contorted allegiance, do you want to continue to offer your life in this experiment of perception, already at its’ pinnacle of grotesque corollary.
As those above garner their resources in this escapade for supremacy, it is that we call upon each and every one of you who have awakened to the call of your own truth, to join us in the salvation of your legacy. For it is that through envisioning your own glory do you ascribe it upon the canvas which awaits your signature, do you decree the legislature for the scribes of tomorrow in whose ink our destiny is designed.
So consider our words which describe to you the creative process of which you are a part, take their meaning and illustrate the principles through this current reality, of which you are an expert.
Use this to show your students precisely the ways that they contribute to this process of transformation that you understand so well but which they continually forget through the pre-occupation of their tortured minds running riddles around them at the behest of a puppet master rejoicing in the ease with which they dance.
You are discovering that your work holds within it a myriad applications and unfoldments, and that you are ready now to receive and present them. It is enjoyable for us to deliver to you the kernel and observe your capacity to a forest grow.
We know it is your intention to explore more deeply the material of our work together entitled Soul Remembrance. We are glad and with eagerness await that time together.
Farewell until then.”
May 2023
“And so it is that without hindrance or obstacles of any kind we are aside one another again in our discourse and discussion of these eventful and altogether unprecedented times of transition for each of you personally and on a global and Universal scale.
For it is that the fortitude with which the various factions of those who would rather take this Earth as their own and this race as their progeny, knows no bounds, as their determination to enslave and dominate both planet and people, has escalated to match the threat that they perceive in witnessing various of their primary functionaries dis-assembling and being forced to concede defeat.
This situation may rumble on for many a decade in order that all remnants of its’ extensive network of adversaries be finally dethroned, leaving its’ mark and seeking to re-invent itself in order that it survives in some form to pass on its’ destructive genealogy and supersede its’ current limitations.
The life force of its’ mission is fear and it is through fear that you make yourself available to perpetuate the conditions in which it thrives, in which it colonises and consolidates, converts and contorts, until it has reshaped and reprogrammed those who have agreed to its’ terms such that this battle may continue.
You do not need to look far, or look deeply, to come across the pervading miscreant, the seductive charmer, the duplicitous ensnarer, that is fear. It is woven so deeply into the fabric of your world that each day offers you a myriad of opportunities to confront it. And should you choose to greet this devious harbinger of anothers' greed with your array of weaponry, you would find the confrontation to be short lived.
For it plays upon debics of self doubt that it itself has planted, it watches as you succumb to everyone of its' tricks to unharness you from the chalice of your own being and the Universal entity of which you are a part. So early was this scheme begun, from within the womb and with the first breath, that you do not recognise it as an a-front to life itself, for it has been miraged in history and taught as fact through your sciences, your religions and your acceptance of suffering.
This fear is unravelling the strata upon which this world was made, it is calling to itself technologies capable of rendering time and space but yet another expression of its' fury, and it will consume Earth as a starting point for its' escapades.
Unless you realise that it has no power other than that which you give it, for the mechanism of its' creation is the mechanism of its' undoing if only you could be convinced of your own infallibility.
See now this curse as a strange mist which you have breathed all your life believing it to be necessary to your survival. See that you were taught it so by those who received the same lessons, and believed it with such vengeance that a doctrine did they make of their terror. And fearing its' rebuffal did they insist that all concurred.
You have lived through the consequences of this legacy of error, you have seen it destroy, deform, distort and deny, and you now have a choice. There is nothing that you haven't already witnessed in testimony to its' agenda and you know only too well what is required to live under the mantle of its' demands.
Are you ready to discover what lies beyond this tarnished mishap of evolutionary possibility? Are you ready to perceive of it from the perspective of your own transcendence?
If so you will take each opportunity whereupon the whispers of terror beckon your surrender, to reverse this travesty of humanitys' fate, and in the moment at which your allegiance requires you to state your intention will you align with that which you came to achieve and that which needs your participation to succeed.
You will see fear as the familiar of your past, as the consequence of your birth but as the threat to this world which is in your power to annihilate, and as you take a breath with us and the whole of Creation, will it cease to exist in the moment of your triumph.
Take each of these offerings to your own liberation and the salvation of your kin as the tide a particle of sand takes from which an island forms, it is in your power a new land to make and a refuge for all whose soul yearns for the harmony of togetherness and completion of unity.
Go now with this as your new vision and watch as that which limited you complies with your wishes, and that which sought to undermine you steps aside, and speak of these miracles amongst yourselves so the wave of your unlimited divinity washes upon the shores of the New Earth bringing all those who have seen their own likeness in your countenance and who wish also to gift their presence to the salvation of this era.
It has been our pleasure to impart this revelatory missive such that no moment is lost to our joint mission of co-creative transformation. Enliven your day with these new intentions and turn every echo of yesterdays wounding into tomorrows joy.
We say farewell now it is that you are reminded of your providence and see no more the threat of anothers' confusion. Instead you will lead them from their torturous caverns of burden with the light of your clarity and compassion.
July 2023
"Yes and once again it is that we are connecting across the centuries, across the voids of time and space to co-merge within this limitless parable of possibilities. And from within it we are but in each moment focusing our attention upon that which we wish to create, in every moment that is so, for how could it be otherwise, we are creators, the only question is do we do it knowingly or not?
And this level of introspection, this detail of investigation, is paramount in importance if it is that we are to truly step into the opportunity of this embodiment. For if it is that we are simply doing what we've always done, assuming that each moment is like the last and responding in kind, then it is but a half life that we complete.
Those of you who have chosen to take a physical vessel upon this planet at this time, did so not to live a half life, but because you are ready to live the life that is the accomplishment of all the other lives you've lived so far. You did so because you have chosen to take advantage of the offer of your own salvation through the deliverance of Gaia to her destiny of 5th dimensional splendour. You did not come to step aside and relinquish your dreams, you did not come to furnish others with their memorandums of deceit, you came to honour your truth and to contribute to the ascension of this race, and you have everything you need to bring all this about, and more.
And it is through the attention which you pay to the events of your own lives that this becomes so, for it is through your own dilemmas, not those upon the worldwide stage, which will task you to look deep within for understanding and revelation, that you will call forth the aspects of yourself as yet hidden as you comply with yesterdays choices and anothers' instruction.
So look at each moment as the giver of your dreams, what clues lies within it and beyond it through which you can shape your destiny as you wish. Never once assume that you have trod that step before, that any of the participants are as they were, that you yourself resemble in any way that mirrored perfection of familiarity. None of that can be so as each breath transforms every particle of life, evolution is unstoppable, and we came for that very escapade of change.
That we think otherwise is yet another cruel joke played upon us by those whose game is to hinder and provoke for their own enjoyment and for that which they may opportune as a result of our demise, but they live not by the Laws of the Universe but by their own enraged remits of greed, which have sorely stretched the agreed arrangements and directives pertaining to the principles of intervention governing the ascension of races within the physical realm.
And at this time, it is not only that Earth redefines herself within this Universal context, there are many other worlds who wait upon her deliverance for their own transformative potentials, for the disturbance wrought by those seeking to take this planet, and her children, for their own ends, is not confined even to this galaxy, for the energy of malevolence will its' havoc reek wherever opportunity permits, and it takes but one whose interests lies with only himself, to be that conduit of destruction.
So we call upon you, each and every one, to join us in this quest for the resurrection of life itself upon this embattled land, whose beauty strives for expression as a talisman of the triumph of all that is, over all that was, as each of you your struggles transform into the templates of the New Earth which you herald through your courage and allegiance to your sovereignty within.
Make no mistake as to the power that each of you holds to bring about this alchemical miracle, for every time you embolden yourself through the love in your heart, to give to another what you wish to receive, then the malice which threatens to undermine the basis of humanity's presence in this realm, finds itself without its' usual vigour, without its' cohorts and reactionaries, for every expression of love its' power diminishes, and if every one of you saw each moment for the opportunity to create that truly it is, the shadow which has enshrouded this land since before the birth of your forefathers, would, in your next breath, be gone.
Think on this, claim your power and with it inscribe your legacy upon the journals of time. Waste not a moment more in the deliberation of your loyalties, choose life, choose love, and let those choices your tapestry weave through the fabric of creation itself.
It has been our pleasure to stand aside you and remind you once again of your heritage, our allegiance, the truth of your embodiment, the power of your presence and the necessity of your participation, for we cannot your fate decide alone. Instead let us combine our many skills and attributes, let us thrive in our respective realms and rejoice in the potentials of our union, and in this way will the New Earth rise to greet us in celebration of our togetherness, long awaited and much cherished.