October 2022
“And so we greet you on this day of relative calm when at last the turgid emotions of your history wane and peace once again is upon you. How these evolutions wrench you from this reality into another, how real they seem and how detailed in imagery as you traverse the forgotten planes of your many incarnational journeys.
And what a gift that they should leave you so completely, ridding you of their venom that harboured the judgements of centuries and the scorn of mankind which now finds itself unable to undo you as you move silently in between it’s many encatchments leaving nothing in your wake but its’ own attempts to demean you.
For gone are the hooks upon which it took pleasure to hang its’ dysfunction, seeking to make it yours and then blame you for it, and in their place a myriad of reflective surfaces upon which its’ fragmented psyche glimmers in its’ demonic reverence to self.
From behind this shimmering shield of your own truth you are held in the safety which affords those whose mind is now a willing analyst of facts rather than the shadowy subversives of the ego.
And as you present this to those whose sport it is to goad you for their own pleasure, they will be ill prepared for your tranquil avoidance of their techniques, for few will have outwitted them to render their manoeuvres obtuse, and as they stumble through their crude counter measures there will be no doubt as to the victor.
But this again you do not wear as a chalice to their ineptitudes, but a composite of your compassion and understanding of the human condition and it’s impossible task of endurance within this faltering paradigm of hatred and greed.
No wonder then that those who identified with it’s reasonings and seek only to be one step ahead of a game whose rules were fashioned from the rotting entrails of all previous attempts at domination, must be always on the look out for the next traitor in disguise, ready to denude them of their hoards of protectorate materialism as their reward for supremacy.
And so as you leave these troubled bystanders, watching from a far as everything they sought to contrive rots before their eyes, it is with confidence that you leave them to their strategised surrenders. For no such bargaining have you entertained, you rejected the enticements as the hollow escapades you knew them to be, the pleasures of submittance forgone as a greater reward beckoned from the quiet knowledge within.
Do not pity them their plight, for they have chosen it thus, for their greatest leverage in this realm of discovery and revelation. Allow them their shocking encounters with their own heritage as it delivers them the means of their own salvation.
As you stand outside these torrid writhings having done your share of extraction, your place beyond their bilious searching for the cause of their dishonour ensures the tranquility which awaits those who bore the pain of their own destiny seeking not to expunge its’ horrors in the archives of anothers fate.
True peace is yours then as the reward for your bravery and committed endeavour to your path of transcendence and mastery of this realm. Fear not the thrashings of those still encumbered with their myopic egos for they will have no purchase upon you as you move beyond the squinting of their renegade agendas to the heaven of your choosing in the soliloquy of your dreams.
We say farewell as this rests upon you and it is with great kinship that we stand aside you in love and with gratitude. Farewell.”