“In this moment we are connected, we are as One, nothing separates us. For I have trod this Earthly path, in joy and sorrow, as you do now, and I come in support of your journey, in acknowledgement of your bravery and celebration of your achievements.
As you contemplate this year ahead and all that you hope it may bring, you can be sure that everything that unfolds will be for your highest good, and for the highest good of those around you, as you see yourself reflected in each interaction and experience, offering you opportunity after opportunity to expand into your Divine Being, radiating your Love and unique presence, in every moment and for every Soul.
Although there may be challenges and at times you may feel at a loss as to the next step, it is always there, in front of you, for you to take, and know that with every step there is a gift, laid there by You, for You, in honour of You.”
Imagine light pouring onto you from a great source, an immense beam, you are lit up, radiant, shining, vibrating.
This light is showing you who you truly are, as you are seen by Jeshua, by God, by your guides and star families. You are looked upon with great love, compassion, joy and respect in appreciation of your journey here, all that you have strived to do and be, and all that you want still to do and be.
Enjoy this sense of opportunity and possibility, excitement, collaboration and achievement and the feeling of being enlivened, invigorated, supported and held.
January 2022
“ And breath with us as we feel together your pain and overwhelm in this life of extremes within this realm of harsh resolutions playing out across time focused now in physical form, and within the physical form, for your completion and liberation.
And as you witness each wounding, as it scours your body with it’s rough rememberings, we join you as you gift us those burdens, we take from you the sting of their malevolence, and as we lift them from you we impart the wisdom held within for the transformation promised upon surrender to the higher state of being you desire in your quest for peace and truth, love and honour.
And so it is that your history reveals itself at your request for you have beckoned it forth in service to your evolution and the evolution of all mankind for it is through the advancement of each soul that salvation shall be found and the New Earth created for it can only be so formed in the image of the greatest desires of God’s children as they find finally the God within and create upon the earth in celebration and expression of that gift.
So each cry that issues forth, each tear that you shed in sorrow for your plight and in fear for your deliverance holds within it the blueprint for your New Earth, for in the expression of your pain is the template for it’s opposite, created in your honour at the moment of your asking and as a balm upon your being soothing away the onslaught upon your flesh and the turmoil within your heart.
So be not afraid of these episodes as they burst upon you and from within you demanding your attention as your soul lingers no more in it’s mission upon this ascending world, for you have carried these false declarations on behalf of those who needed your allegiance for long enough, and now it is time for the true allegiance of your soul to express and form the pathway home, to yourself, with and through yourself, for that is the only gateway, and it opens now in celebration of your unfoldment and your blossoming, gifting your presence in it’s true pristine form across all worlds and beyond all imaginings.
And so as peace whispers now at the edge of your being and the horrors of your past take their true place within your being, that of revealing themselves for the final time in their departure from this and all realms, be thankful for the circumstances that yielded these revelations, be grateful to those who played their part, and know that it is always a perfect co-creative endeavour of resolution across centuries and throughout worlds. Yours is not a lonely plight of embittered graspings at a life seemingly always just out of reach, but an heraldic triumph of endeavour and accomplishment bringing you nearer and nearer all that you desire and have dreamed of as you prove time and again the strength of your resolve and the power of your commitment to this life and the life of all beings.
Let us sit with you awhile as you release the final utterings of all that troubles you and be cleansed of their marks upon your heart and within your soul. We say farewell but know that we leave you not and forever do we accompany and guide you, hold and cherish you, as our work upon this planet you bravely make your own. It is with such love that we embrace you and wish only for your greatest happiness and up-liftment such that you reside only in the realms of your own embodiment radiating it out and transforming all around you into your own exultant heaven and sacred refuge of divinity. Farewell.”
January 2022
“Yes and we are so delighted to be with you on this happiest of days when you are brimming over with the joy of your life and the love you feel emanating all around you. For it has been a long time hence that you have journeyed in the darkness looking for this light, knowing it was there but finding it always to allude you and hide once again behind the shadows of your mind.
And so it is with great joy that we see the clouds lifting and your radiance bursting forth from your being, shining beyond your awareness to draw those still in their shadows into the light and into their light.
And so let us sit a moment in this glorious feeling.
Let us know it as our home, let us find all that we need there and know that all that we need has already been placed there and it is for us simply to choose that which most pleases and rewards us.
And so in this place where there is all things, you can dream and imagine but also you can receive. That which has been so assigned, by yourself and others, for your delight and advancement, also waits for you in this beautiful chamber encrusted with jewels each waiting to be plucked and placed within the architecture of your being to be expressed and offered to others as they were offered to you in times long ago. And upon receiving them then did you shine from within their mirrored surfaces, did you explore their nuanced enclaves and wander amidst their shining reflections and refractions illuminating for you all that you needed as through them your eyes were widened to the true nature of your life upon this evolving world.
And now you return again to this land of adventure with all these nuggets safely upon you such that you can a chamber make for those who are guided into your midst. And what joy it will be for you to point them to their awaiting jewels and watch as their eyes widen to encompass their destiny and their homecoming.
So think a while whilst this image dances afore you, and collect around you your jewels, be sure to include all those whose camouflage made of them stones of hatred and misery, for well you know that when it was that the anvil of your determination split them this way and that, there was indeed a hidden gem, all the more precious for the effort of acquiring it.
And as you purvey your gifts and assign them their place within your story, you will listen to anothers’ story afresh, for you will be seeking to find these artefacts of brilliance should their torchlight fail in its mission to catch a glimpse of their presence, and you will lend yours with gladness and compassion, as we lent ours to you.
And so it is that we turn this life of misadventure and struggle into a treasure hunt, lain before us but spanning centuries, as clues arrive as messengers that we sent ahead of time in preparation for ourselves in the knowledge of our victory.
It has been a pleasure to sit a while with you, and it is with love that we say farewell and with eagerness that we await your calling as we work together in our mission upon Gaia as she awakens to her true light as the jewel of this Universe and the treasure of this realm.”
February 2022
“And so it is as it always is, that we are together in all realms with no divisions as to our capacities and aptitudes, only our perspective and mission defines our role and experiences.
And this being the case what does that lend your re-interpretation of this day, of any day, surely it helps you to see that nothing is beyond you, for if you believe me to be thus qualified, then you too must be so adorned with the requisite faculties of transcendence.
And so each breath becomes an opportunity, each chance meeting an opening where previously none stood, and each challenge the gateway to another world. And so what excitement lies within the momentary episodes that spin and weave themselves to fashion the linear progression that time demands. But in fact, in each molecule of temporal exactitude there dwells a timeless landscape that yields not to the confines placed upon it to illicit a version behest with yesterdays similes. For within this haven of tomorrows plenitude you your dreams will find.
They are conjured not in this moment of your wondering, but placed here in your digest of requirements, known to you e’en as you took your first breath. It is just that they have been forgotten whilst you ventured far and wide in the sorting of your parameters of this lifes’ legacy.
But let us stop a moment to consider that help lies beyond these frantic stirrings, that it was not that you expected of yourself all these decisions to make whilst embroiled in this earthly dichotomy that tempers your soul with the rigours of a million masters, it was that you garnered your beatitudes long before your arrival and organised them thus that they reveal themselves in perfect accordance with your summonings and the summonings of all who cherish you, such that it is not yours to look, but to receive.
And so in all these moments between each breath and beyond each breath, there lies in wait these derivations of the One, these landmarks of your evolutionary progress as prescribed by all who dwelt within your chamber of consular advocates. And they their commissions view with great seriousness lest the anomalies of this paradigmal adventure skew their intentions and foretellings.
So wonder not at the mischief of the unbidden adversary, tempt not those hollows of grievous indifference, for each comes with it a trumpet of your sounding, blasting through the apparent irrelevancies of another struggle and signalling a directive announced in your name from those beholden only to your excellence and triumph. Cease upon this miraculous portent and embrace it in your singular allegiance, for it your destiny hails amidst the heroes of all ages.
Go forth now with this new reckoning upon you, waste not your time in cyclical analysis but instead liberate your faculties to do that which evolution designed for your prosperity, for it is that all the adornments of this earthly vigil hail your courage and align themselves upon your mantle of achievements.
And step once upon the path of your own magnificence and all that we have foretold will be upon you.
It has been our pleasure to but remind you of your truth, and remains our pleasure to witness your flowering upon Gaias’ countenance in the divine spectacle of her awakening.
Easter Day 17th April 2022
“Yes and greetings and today on this most holy of days when in times hence it was that I arose and returned to My Father in Heaven, my sojourn on earth complete. And it was that I left behind me a message for the whole of mankind to receive that would transport them from all suffering and servitude in the glory of God and the deliverance of their soul.
But their prejudices and fear that bound them to scattering ineptitudes, that divided them from each other and their soul, sought havoc in all kingdoms and war amidst the most trifling of circumstance, overlaid my message in all but a few hearts, burying deeper and deeper the truth until it was so smothered in the venom of miscreants, afraid to speak, afraid to be, it hid in the weeping of those gentle souls of the light.
But I and those who have not deserted this most troubled race, who spent time amongst God’s children to hear their plight and learn of their sorrows, this light have held in heaven. And from heaven it has shone within the hearts of those who know it to be the only truth and their salvation in this and all realms.
And so let us breathe in this light of heaven, let us feel it within us as it frees all shadows from their resting place within our fears and doubts such that happiness exudes in the celebration of life.
For now this era of sorrow is past, it’s time is complete upon this world of alchemy and beckoned to the scriptures of time it will imprint it’s harrowing dialogue in remembrance of all who traversed it’s mysteries.
And those who have held me in their hearts, who know only of love and the joy of union, will find their earth transformed, awakening to them from amongst the pains of their ancestors given in their honour in readiness for this moment.
So as you stand on this precipice of the rebirth of mankind, it is the past and the future that you hold within you, for you are the bridges and you came to lead those who know not of the light with you, across this bridge home. To hold the light has been your honour and challenge but reward is yours now as the time of darkness reaches it’s end, and no more will you suffer for your light and through your light, for all of mankind is calling now for it’s presence in their hearts.
So on this day of remembrance of my journey amongst you, feel my presence as you shine our light upon this land. Offer it to all who stand aside you and we will join together in the resurrection of heaven upon earth in the name of God the Father and in honour of all who fell as their light was taken in my name.
As we breathe together now, it is with all our light that this earth doth shine and the smiles of man return.
It is our great honour to join you today as a holder of the light cross time.
February 2023
“And so it is as it always is, that we are together in all realms with no divisions as to our capacities and aptitudes, only our perspective and mission defines our role and experiences.
And this being the case what does that lend your re-interpretation of this day, of any day, surely it helps you to see that nothing is beyond you, for if you believe me to be thus qualified, then you too must be so adorned with the requisite faculties of transcendence.
And so with each breath becomes an opportunity, each chance meeting an opening where previously none stood, and each challenge the gateway to another world. And so what excitement lies within the momentary episodes that spin and weave themselves to fashion the linear progression that time demands. But in fact, in each molecule of temporal exactitude there dwells a timeless landscape that yields not to the confines placed upon it to illicit a version behest with yesterdays similes. For within this haven of tomorrows plenitude you your dreams will find.
They are conjured not in this moment of your wondering, but placed here in your digest of requirements, known to you e’en as you took your first breath. It is just that they have been forgotten whilst you ventured far and wide in the sorting of your parameters of this lifes’ legacy.
But let us stop a moment to consider that help lies beyond these frantic stirrings, that it was not that you expected of yourself all these decisions to make whilst embroiled in this earthly dichotomy that tempers your soul with the rigours of a million masters, it was that you garnered your beatitudes long before your arrival and organised them thus that they reveal themselves in perfect accordance with your summonings and the summonings of all who cherish you, such that it is not yours to look, but to receive.
And so in all these moments between each breath and beyond each breath, there lies in wait these derivations of the One, these landmarks of your evolutionary progress as prescribed by all who dwelt within your chamber of consular advocates. And they their commissions view with great seriousness lest the anomalies of this paradigmal adventure skew their intentions and foretellings.
So wonder not at the mischief of the unbidden adversary, tempt not those hollows of grievous indifference, for each comes with it a trumpet of your sounding, blasting through the apparent irrelevancies of another struggle and signalling a directive announced in your name from those beholden only to your excellence and triumph. Cease upon this miraculous portent and embrace it in your singular allegiance, for it your destiny hails amidst the heroes of all ages.
Go forth now with this new reckoning upon you, waste not your time in cyclical analysis but instead liberate your faculties to do that which evolution designed for your prosperity, for it is that all the adornments of this earthly vigil hail your courage and align themselves upon your mantle of achievements.
And step once upon the path of your own magnificence and all that we have foretold will be upon you.
It has been our pleasure to but remind you of your truth, and remains our pleasure to witness your flowering upon Gaias’ countenance in the divine spectacle of her awakening.