Why I work with Energy

Sometime ago I heard this statement "Everything in physical begins in non-physical". In that moment I knew that the answers to questions that I had been asking for years were going to reveal themselves, the most urgent being "How can I feel better?" and "How can I understand my own life experiences?"

By this time I had tried a great number of conventional and alternative approaches to free myself from continual physical pain and emotional suffering, and although some helped, I remained traumatised and debilitated, and had become increasingly desperate in my search for some peace and resolution. I had found my way to several energy workers, practitioners who were sensitive to the presence of energy and through their ability to re-direct and change the nature of those energies, facilitate immediate and long term benefits for those they work with. I found their interventions to be very effective and the most powerful, and relevant, of all the approaches I had engaged with.

And this fact, that everything in physical begins in non-physical, issued by main stream scientists and more progressive thinkers alike, explains why, for it informs us that everything that we see about us, and everything that we experience in our physical world, has its' origins in the non-physical realms, the realms of energy, and equipped with that insight we can re-evaluate every symptom, every grievance and every challenge, now we are searching, at last, in the correct place for its' cause.

I found I had an aptitude for energy work myself when I learned and experimented with "The Emotion Codes" (Bradley Nelson) and "The Pleiadian Workbook" (Amorah Quan Yin). The latter especially intrigued me and as I worked more and more with the processes described, I found myself developing themes and exploring ideas, and then creating new applications of the principles outlined in the book, in response to the many difficulties I was still facing.

I was then told that the "ideas" I was having were in fact communications from a Pleiadian Collective I am associated with. This continued for 5 years and my first energy work system came into being and is now called "Pleiadian Equilibration."

In the same way, in response to my own continuing quest to transcend my difficulties and find my way to increasing levels of joy, fulfilment and peace, other modalities have now presented associated with other star beings, ascended masters and arch angels. They are "Experiential Alchemy" and "Dynamic Synergy".

They answer my questions of 35 years ago, how can I feel better and understand my life? and I am relieved, and profoundly grateful, to have found my way to this deliverance.